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(425) 222-0555

Ho much will it cost?

How much will it cost?

Hiring a DUI lawyer with the skills necessary to successfully defend you will save you thousands in the future, and perhaps spare your reputation and freedom. Cost is a large factor in defending against a DUI charge.  Our policy is to do our best to work with all of our clients, no matter what their financial situation.

When facing a DUI conviction, the biggest cost are long-term: increases in insurance rates as well as other out-of-pocket expenses that many do not initially recognize.

We will do our best to  get your charge dismissed or significantly reduced. With reduced charges, or in lieu of jail time, you can face numerous sentencing alternatives, all of which are expenses you are required to cover. Some programs include:

  • Alcohol Awareness Education
  • Community Service
  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
  • Freeway Cleanup
  • Ignition Interlock Device
  • Counseling

Many of these options are viable alternatives to going to trial and can help greatly in negotiations with prosecutors.  We will help you determine the best path for your particular case and will work with you to get the best possible legal outcome. However, if trial is the only alternative, an experienced DUI attorney like David Speikers is your best bet. In the past 15 years, David has lost only one DUI trial.

Costs of representation, of course, depend on the amount of work required to be done. Payment plans are available.

Learn more about David Speikers, or call 425-222-0555 for a free consultation and case review.


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